Tuesday 16 May 2017

Love Thy Neighbour

At one point or the other no matter a person's choice of faith, we all have come across this phrase..."Love your neighbour as yourself". But how many of us have taken time out to truly reflect on the actual meaning of this golden rule?

Sunday 19 February 2017

Time To Embrace The Thought of Death

Death is one event we cannot play mind games with. It is inevitable. We can’t even have proper knowledge of how or when it’s going to hit us, until the very final moments when it’s almost too late to put anything in order or say the necessary goodbyes.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Error, After Error

Often, we are in situations where we have to make decisions, no matter how small or insignificant they (those decisions) might seem at the time. In these moments, we tend to make ourselves feel whatever decisions we take are the best for us. Subsequently, these decisions affect the outcome of events after they come into play which in turn informs us of how we've fared.

Monday 7 November 2016

Well, It's Just Not Enough To Want It!!

Ask just about anyone what they want in life and you will not be disappointed at all. Every sane individual seems to have a list that runs into tens and possibly hundreds of items. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t just end there as you also get bombarded with equal number of reasons none of those dreams have yet to come to life.

Wednesday 19 October 2016


The elimination of doubt in the pursuit of goals can be equated to filling a car’s fuel tank to the brim before embarking on a long journey. Failure to do so sets the car up for the inevitable, which, of course, is inability to get to the proposed destination in due time.